Chair of Safeguarding Assurance Committee
Dr Yvonne Parks
About Yvonne
Yvonne is a Consultant Community Paediatrician currently working part time for East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She has 20 years of clinical management experience as Clinical Director and Clinical Lead, significant experience of Safeguarding, and was the Named Doctor for Safeguarding for many years.
Yvonne has been involved in many Kent wide development groups including Autism pathways, Special Educational Needs and Disability, Looked After Children and Adoption.
She has also been involved in developing new services including the Kingfisher centre in Broadstairs, the Children’s Assessment Centre in Canterbury and Greenbanks MASH in Margate.
With over 30 years of experience of working with children and families and supporting them with their complex issues, she has developed a specialist clinic for girls with Rett syndrome and provided multidisciplinary clinics for children with complex needs. She has also been a School governor for the East Kent Hospital school.
Married with two children and one granddaughter, Yvonne is keen to help Demelza develop services in East Kent as the Chair of Safeguarding Assurance Committee.