Safeguarding at Demelza

Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that ‘every child should be protected from abuse’. Everyone at Demelza has a responsibility to make sure that children, young people and adults are safeguarded and protected from abuse and neglect. As an organisation, Demelza is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of those children, young people and their families for whom it cares for, or to whom employees and volunteers may come into contact, and to identify and take appropriate action in cases of suspected abuse.

Safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment and significant harm
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • acting, to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government, 2023)

Effective safeguarding arrangements are underpinned by two key principles: safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and is based on a child-centred approach.

All employees and volunteers involved in the care of children and families who access Demelza’ s services have a responsibility to ensure the welfare and well-being needs of the family are met at all times: “The welfare of the child is paramount at all times” (Children Act, 2004). Safeguarding adults is defined by NHS England as ‘protecting a person’s right to live safely, free from abuse and neglect’ (2017) and this is underpinned by The Care Act (2014).


Our commitment to safeguarding

All employees and volunteers are recruited in accordance with Demelza’s Safe Recruitment Policy (including Disclosure and Barring Service Policy).

All employees and volunteers have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the well-being of children, young people and adults by being responsible for quality, efficiency and effectiveness of their work. They must read and understand the safeguarding policy and procedures, and be aware of their safeguarding duties, recognise all forms of abuse and neglect and follow procedure in reporting concerns promptly.

Demelza makes sure that all employees, volunteers and trustees are equipped to embed safeguarding within their day to day professional practice. The principles and practices of safeguarding are given a high priority.

It is everyone’s responsibility to:

  • Recognise
  • Respond
  • Refer
  • Record
  • Review (Follow up)


Click below to download our safeguarding framework and meet our safeguarding team.
Safeguarding Framework

Safeguarding Leads

Meet some of our Safeguarding Leads at Demelza.

Photo of Katie Stevens

Designated Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Director of Nursing and Care

Katie Stevens

Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children and PREVENT Lead; Lead Nurse, East Sussex

Melissa Mungovan
Helen Rolls, lead Nurse and safeguarding lead

Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Lead Nurse, Kent

Helen Rolls
Family Liaison Lead, Anna

Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Family Liaison Lead

Anna Sillett

Safeguarding Leads

Meet some of our Safeguarding Leads at Demelza.

Photo of Katie Stevens

Designated Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Director of Nursing and Care

Katie Stevens

Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children and PREVENT Lead; Lead Nurse, East Sussex

Melissa Mungovan
Helen Rolls, lead Nurse and safeguarding lead

Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Lead Nurse, Kent

Helen Rolls
Family Liaison Lead, Anna

Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead; Family Liaison Lead

Anna Sillett

Help an extraordinary child

With your donation, we can continue to support the children and families who need us the most. Your generosity could fund a specialist care team member or provide a restful evening for a family.

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