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Associate Trustee

Lucille Harvey

About Lucille

Lucille is Head of User Experience (UX) at Triad Group Plc, a digital data and technology consultancy working across the public sector. She is an award-winning designer and user researcher specialising in digital transformation and designing digital services and platforms to support the UK government. She has lead research and design across platforms which support Net Zero goals, national security, and product safety.

She has a First-class BSc in Psychology and a MSc in Human-Computer Interaction. Before moving into the digital world, she worked for the NHS and ran clinical trials into a variety of mental health conditions. Lucille has been involved in charities from her teenage years working in charity shops, fundraising, and volunteering with initiatives to support mental health, learning disabilities and animal conversation world-wide.

Lucille lives in East Sussex with her partner and 3 cats, enjoying gardening and cooking or time at the gym. She is always planning the next track day and road trip, or satisfying a general love of travel.