Nicola Tyers
About Nicola
Nicola has an extensive background in Pharmacy spanning nearly 30 years and a wide variety of roles within community pharmacy (in Eire, New Zealand and Great Britain), primary care settings and with pharmaceutical companies
Having started in hospital pharmacy she worked within the wider community pharmacy role before lecturing in Pharmacy firstly in New Zealand and more recently in the UK for University College London and Medway School of Pharmacy.
On her return to the UK in 2005, Nicola undertook roles at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) of Great Britain and the General Pharmaceutical Council as Head of Pre-registration both of which helped develop a deep understanding of regulation.
In 2011 Nicola founded the Pharmacy Training Company specialising in developing pharmacy staff with a focus on educational supervisors.
At a more local level, Nicola has been a Lay Member (Non-Executive Director) for Patient and Public Involvement for Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, Associate Member for Patient and Public Involvement in the Kent and Medway system and Chairing of the Medway and Swale Primary Care Commissioning Operational Group.
Having been born in Kent, after fulfilling roles in several parts of the world, she returned to Kent 16 years ago and has embedded herself in her local community both personally and professionally. Nicola is married with a young son.