Remembrance events


Demelza's remembrance events are a time for parents and carers to reflect, reminisce and celebrate the life of their child, in the company of their family.

They allow families to come together with the wider Demelza community and incorporate elements such as lighting candles, placing flowers, listening to music, creating memory art as well as other seasonal elements.

Please note that these event dates are currently provisionally. You will need to register for these events and an invite will be sent to you by email or post closer with information on how to sign up. If you have any questions beforehand then please email

  • Kent - Saturday 8 March 
  • SEL  - Sunday 9 March 

  • Kent - Thursday 9 October
  • SEL  - Friday 10 October

An event to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week. During the event, you will have the opportunity to meet other families as well as Demelza employees and volunteers. It's also a chance for you to come together with others who have had a similar experience in a safe and supportive space.

  • Kent - Friday 14 November
  • SEL  - Saturday 15 November

  • Kent - Saturday 5 July
  • SEL  - Sunday 6 July

  • Spring Social - Saturday 10 May (Kent)
  • Autumn Social - Friday 12 September (Kent)

In-Person Cafés

When? 10am-12pm, bi-monthly on the last Saturday of the month

Where? W.Ave Arts, East Sussex, TN38 8BG

  • Saturday 29 March 

You will be warmly welcomed by Jennie from the family support team. We'll have refreshments, cake and some craft activities available for you while you chat.

If you have any issues on the day, please call Jennie on 07719044929.

When? Second Thursday of each month, 10am-12pm
Where? Hill Farm, Demelza Kent, Rook Lane, Sittingbourne ME9 8DZ

  • Thursday 13 March 
  • Thursday 10 April

You will be warmly welcomed by Jennie and Jo from the family support team. We'll have refreshments, cake and some craft activities available for you while you chat.

Travel details
The new Hill Farm building at Demelza Kent is situated opposite the main entrance with plenty of parking on site.

Any issues on the day please call Jennie on 07719044929.

When? Third Monday of each month, 10am-12pm
Where? Kitchen, Demelza South East London, 5 Wensley Close, London, SE9 5AB

  • Monday 17 March 
  • Monday 21 April

You will be warmly welcomed by Jo from the family support team. We'll have refreshments, cake and some craft activities available for you while you chat.

Travel details
If you've not been to Demelza South East London before, when you arrive just come to reception to let us know and we'll show you the way. Parking is limited on site but it can be found on close-by roads (we'll pay for your parking ticket, just let us know on arrival). If you require a lift to the event please make a practical support referral.

Any issues on the day please call the Demelza South East London reception on 02088 599800.

Together exploring workshops

Bereavement Support Kite

Together exploring workshops are a new series of workshops designed to support Demelza families with various challenges after bereavement.

The workshops will aim to offer practical guidance and a compassionate community and will address topics such as grief, returning to employment after loss and more.

You will be sent more information as we add more workshops to the programme via the In Touch Newsletter (email). If you have any questions then please email

These workshops will provide a safe and supportive environment to reflect on the experience of the loss of a child. They will be led by Demelza counsellors and family support staff and will provide a structured opportunity to explore loss and grief, within a small group of parents and carers with shared experiences. They are aimed at parents and carers who experienced the loss of a child over six months ago.
  • Time: 10am-12pm
  • Dates: Every Thursday from 13 March until 17 April (x6 sessions)
  • Where: Hill Farm, Demelza Kent

If you are interested in coming along to future sessions please email We will share more information in the In Touch Newsletter once these are available to book.

This four-week programme of workshops will focus on returning to or finding work after you have experienced bereavement. They are aimed at parents and carers who experienced the loss of a child.

New programme of dates to be announced soon. 

Demelza Choir

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Demelza Choir sessions are fun and inclusive with a wellbeing focus that allows us all to come together and share our voices.

Our choir facilitator is music therapist, Kelly Fraser, who joined Demelza in November 2022. Kelly has extensive experience running choirs in different settings.

Each session includes a mindful vocal warm-up, singing a couple of songs together and a chance to chat with one another over snacks! You don't have to attend every session, but we encourage you to join us when you can.

The sessions take place at Demelza Kent and Demelza South East London but all adult family members are invited to take part.

When? Every other Wednesday, 5-6.30pm
Large Meeting Room, Demelza Kent, Rook Lane, Sittingbourne, ME9 8DZ

  • Wednesday 12 March 
  • Wednesday 26 March 
  • Wednesday 9 April 

When? Wednesdays, 5-6.30pm
Training Room, Demelza South East London, 5 Wensley Close, London SE9 5AB

  • Wednesday  5 March
  • Wednesday  12 March
  • Wednesday 19 March
  • Wednesday 26 March

Accessibility/special requirements
The session will take place upstairs in a large open room (known as the training room) at Demelza South East. This room is accessible by stairs or a lift (subject to working order) so please bear this in mind and let us know any special requirements you may need to assist you or your family.

Parking is available in the car park outside Demelza South East London (after 4.30pm) or in the underground car park (just press the buzzer). Someone will be available in reception to guide you if you're not sure. If there isn't any available parking onsite then there is plenty of parking available on surrounding roads, North Park and Court Yard, and we'll pay for your parking ticket (just let us know on arrival). If you require a lift to the event please make a practical support referral.

Support groups

White cut out butterflies with remembrance messages written on them.

Join us to meet other grandparents or dads for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

Our support groups for bereaved family members are available for those struggling with their grief and to share experiences with those who have also experienced the loss of a beloved child/grandchild. 

If you would like any further information, or would like to speak to someone about the group, prior to attending, please email

When? Last Wednesday of each month, 10am-12pm
Demelza Kent, Rook Lane, Sittingbourne, ME9 8DZ

  • Wednesday 25 February 
  • Wednesday 26 March

If you have any questions about these groups please contact Cathy Gundry by calling 07719067329 or emailing Please let us know if you are planning to attend as we sometime organise trips and outings and may meet offsite.

Online sessions

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Join Jo, Psychotherapeutic Services Lead, for our online sessions. 

The sessions are a relaxed environment where people come together to chat, to share memories, to laugh, to cry, to seek support and guidance. However you are feeling, you will be welcomed.

We run café catch-up sessions which you can join to seek support and creative sharing groups which are an opportunity to work together, collaboratively, on a piece of writing/project which may be shared beyond the group e.g. poems, needlecraft, music, blogs. These sessions aim to bring relaxation, wellbeing and a mindful focus. It is also ok to come along and listen to others, choosing not to share.

If you would like any further information, or would like to speak to someone about the group, prior to attending, please email

When? Fourth Wednesday of every month, 7-8pm
Microsoft Teams

  • Dates TBC

Join the session
Meeting ID: 312 372 258 369
Passcode: wBhAoZ