We're listening

Give feedback

Use this portal to let us know how you felt about a particular service or activity that you accessed. 

Give feedback

Submit a complaint

We want to hear complaints too. When things go wrong, we can fix them and learn from our mistakes. This helps us make our services better for everyone.

Submit a complaint

Contact our senior leadership team

If you would prefer to get in touch with our senior leadership team you can contact them directly via the email addresses below.

Lavinia (Vin) Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer

Katie Stevens, Director of Clinical Services

Email Vin Email Katie
Young Voices Icon White

Be seen, be heard

Young Voices

The young voices group aims to give children and young people (aged 9-25) who use Demelza services a chance to share their views, meet others and have fun! The group meets for Super Saturday sessions throughout the year. It is facilitated by Andrew, our Children and Young People's Engagement Officer. 

Resources and activities
Families Voice Icon White
Parent carer group

Families Voice group

The Families Voice group is made up of parent carers that want to make a change and improve Demelza’s services so that they work for the majority. The group runs informal cafes, meetings and regular socials where you can come along and chat with other parent carers and share your experience.

Families Voice

More information

Empowering and involving families
Families Voice is Demelza’s parent carer group. Their goal is to share
their experiences to help enhance Demelza’s services. They organise
informal cafes, meetings and socials for parents / carers to connect
and share experiences. There is also a Young Voices group which aims
to give children and young people a chance to share their views, meet
others and have fun.

We are always looking for ways to collaborate with families to hear
your perspectives and experiences. We do this through in-person
consultations, attending Demelza events and conducting surveys.
Each year, we hold Extraordinary Conversations events, where
families, Demelza colleagues, external service providers and others
discuss specific topics.

This information is collated by the family engagement team and added to a tracker. The family engagement team may contact you to find out more so that they can make sure that the next steps decided are best for everyone involved.

To contact us please email family.engagement@demelza.org.uk or
call 01795 845293. You can also pick up a feedback card on-site.

Families Voice is Demelza’s parent carer group. Their goal is to share
their experiences to help enhance Demelza’s services. They organise
informal cafes, meetings and socials for parents / carers to connect
and share experiences. You can find out more on the Families Voices page.

The Young Voices group aims to give children and young people a chance to share their views, meet others and have fun. You can find out more on the Young Voices page.

They are an opportunity to discuss and explore a specific topic. All participants are equal collaborators within the conversations, bring their perspectives, experiences and different points of view. With an objective to understanding each other, understanding individual needs and to support future service development where appropriate. 

Children, young people, parents, carers, staff, volunteers, trustees, external service providers, commissioners, partnership organisations, local community groups and more are invited to come along.

On the day, all you need to bring is your ideas, perspectives, experiences and suggestions on the topic up for discussion. On arrival you will be allocated a place at one of the tables. Each table will have a range of stakeholders so that a variety of perspectives and experiences are shared.

Voices Heard Logo

Voices heard, changes made

We want you to know that we hear you and that changes are being made. Our most recent changes include:

  • Introducing an information and activity day for families
  • Improving our events
  • Creating opportunities for children and young people to engage
  • Providing moments for peer-to-peer support
  • Implementing Families Voice (parent carer forum) ideas and feedback
Read more

Meet the team

Ronnie (4)

We are the family engagement team. This means we look at the services we offer at Demelza and reach out to those who use them to make sure we are doing all we can to maximise the impact we have on the children, young people and families we support.

As a team, our aim is to listen to families and act on their views, ideas and needs. We do this by engaging with children, young people and families to proactively involve them in the design of our services. As we do this, we make sure to check our understanding and explore whether these views are shared by others or are unique.

  • Nicola Reynolds, Engagement Coordinator - Families
  • Ronnie Cottrell, Engagement Lead - Families