A magical evening was had by over 250 guests at Demelza's 25th anniversary Alice in Wonderland Ball, held in the De Vere Grand Connaught rooms, Covent Garden. 

The event held on Friday 29 September, was hosted by Absolute Radio Presenter, Dave Berry in the stunning De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, Convent Garden, and saw the audience entertained by the only magician to win Britain’s Got Talent, Richard Jones.
Guests also enjoyed a three-course dinner, a heartfelt speech from Demelza parent Laurence, a live auction and floor-filler anthems from Fake Tan Band.
A huge thank you to our sponsor LGT Wealth Management, who made this possible and to our guests whose generosity helped raised £115,000 which will help Demelza to support children with serious or life-limiting conditions.
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