Five fundraising ideas for nurseries and pre-schools.
Fundraising for Demelza would help us to reach more families across Kent, South East London and East Sussex. Our five-year strategy will see us extend our reach to support more families, whilst doing more for those already accessing our services. Help us to reach more families who care for a child or young person with a serious or terminal condition.
We’ve put together five fundraising ideas for nurseries and pre-schools from holding a messy play party to filling smarties tubes with coins, we’ve got you covered.
1. Hold a messy play party
A messy play party is a really great fundraising idea for nurseries and pre-schools and the children love it! It can also be paired with an open day for your setting, giving you the bonus of reaching new potential families that are looking for a nursery or pre-school in your area.
We would recommend asking parents or guardians to make a suggested donation of £5.00 and setting up 6-8 different messy play tuft trays for the babies and children attending to enjoy.

2. Wiggle and danceathon
Another exciting fundraising idea for nurseries or pre-schools is to do a sponsored wiggle and danceathon. Ask parents to get their family and friends to sponsor their child per song or minute that they wiggle or dance to some nursery and pre-school favourites, such as Piano Man, Macarena, Cha Cha Slide and so many more.
Perhaps, the older children in your setting could even put a performance on of the new dances they have learnt for this fundraising challenge.
3. Santa’s Grotto with a percentage of the profit donated to Demelza
Christmas is fast approaching and having a Santa’s grotto where a percentage of the profit goes to Demelza is a great activity that you could do in your nursery or pre-school. Our top tip is to keep your costs down by being clever with where you get the presents from. For example, ask for donations from local businesses or head to shops where you can find items for a £1 or less.
4. Hold a treasure hunt
Why not get creative and hold a treasure hunt in your nursery or pre-school garden? You can make it themed, so for Easter you could hide plastic eggs, or at Christmas you could print and laminate mini Santa’s to hide around the garden.
Our top tips would be to run it at a weekend, so you can capture families that use your nursery or pre-school and other families in the area. Think about how you are going to promote it, using your own channels, but also post on local mums groups to increase your reach. Plus, make it affordable for families to take part with a suggested donation of £1.
5. Smarties tube and 20p pieces
Did you know that 20p pieces fit perfectly in smarties tubes? This is what makes this fundraising idea for nurseries or pre-schools so quick and easy to do. At the start of term send each child home with a tube of smarties and ask the families to collect 20p pieces in them after they’ve eaten the sweeties and return them to you when they are full.
This is a simple no fuss activity to do and importantly won’t be a big cost for your nursery or preschool.