Nursing at Demelza - Hannah's story
“Working for a children’s hospice is the best job I've ever had’’ says Hannah Mackley one of Demelza’s latest nursing recruits.
Little more than a month ago, Hannah, a 33-year-old Senior Registered Nurse from East Sussex, joined Demelza’s Community team based in St Leonards-on-Sea. And she’s delighted:
“Demelza is one of the friendliest places I’ve worked. I’d recommend it to anyone.”
The expert staff offer specialist clinical care and emotional support in the community, allowing children with serious or terminal conditions to get the help they need in a familiar environment. And Hannah is amazed at the trust the parents have in Demelza.
‘’Handing over your child to somebody is really difficult at the best of times, and these parents are complete experts in their child’s care. I feel really privileged that they trust us enough to hand over their most important person to look after.’’
Hannah, who’s a mum to a one-year-old daughter, qualified 11 years ago and has experience in the fields of oncology and intensive care. She was destined to be a paediatric nurse, a path she says was driven by fate:
‘’It was always going to be children because I was in hospital a lot when I was younger. I was quite well known to Great Ormond Street. I needed a bit of surgery from when I was a newborn. The last one I had was when I was about three. It’s all good now’’ she laughs.

Hannah saves the best reason, for anyone considering paediatric nursing, to last:
‘’I don’t know what it is about children. They are just so resilient. With the right support, half the stuff that you put a child through they will take in their stride. If you did it to an adult, we just wouldn’t cope. They are completely different to nurse than adults. They always amaze me.”
If you're interested in joining Demelza's incredible Nursing Team, take a look at our Care & Nursing Vacancies for more details and how to apply.