Top tips for using your JustGiving page

If you’re about to start fundraising for us, then this top tips for using your JustGiving page is just what you need to get started! Using JustGiving is a great way to allow people to sponsor you from anywhere. It is really simple to set up your own fundraising page, just visit our JustGiving page and click on ‘Fundraise with us.’

Follow the onscreen instructions to set up your page and then follow our top tips below.

Add a target

Pages with a target raise 46% more and if you hit your target you can always increase it.

Add a photo

By adding a photo or video you could raise 14% more. Why not, create a little video talking about why you have chosen to fundraise for Demelza and what our charity means to you?

Share your story

Update the description to let everyone know why you’re supporting Demelza and the amazing fundraising you are doing.

Keep on sharing

Share on social media, send to your colleagues by email or to friends in a WhatsApp group chat. Keep reminding people of the great work you’re doing! Tag Demelza Hospice Care for Children in your great social media messages, so we can see what you’re up too.

Add updates

On your JustGiving page add updates. People will love to follow your journey, so get adding to the updates section to keep them in the know.

It’s not over yet

Did you know 20% of donations come in after the event has ended? So, don’t rush to close your page, just in case someone is still planning to donate to you!

Create your own QR code

Just add /qrcode to the end of your JustGiving page URL and click save. Once you have downloaded your QR code the possibilities are endless, add to posters, money pots, share with friends, you can even add it to your email signature.