Volunteers' Week is here and it’s a time to say thank you - and celebrate the vital contribution that volunteers make at Demelza, and all across the country.
This week, our Voluntary Services Department will be out and about visiting our shops and hospices, meeting with and celebrating our dedicated volunteers. Volunteers, just like Sean and Keith, who have kindly shared their stories:
Volunteers' Week: Sean's story
Sean shares: “As a volunteer, you’re treated as a vital part of the organisation and you’re always kept up-to-date on what’s going on – Mary, who heads up Practical Support, is great about organising volunteer conferences and making sure you feel involved.”
Volunteers' Week: Keith's story
After Keith’s granddaughter sadly passed away, he began looking for ways in which he could give back through volunteering. Now, Keith supports other families as a Practical Support driver and even took a leading role at our Christmas grotto last year:
“Imagine a little boy or girl meeting Father Christmas for the very first time, seeing their face light up and hearing their excited laughter, and knowing you’re the reason it’s able to happen. That’s as good an argument as I can make for getting involved with Demelza."
Demelza's CEO, Lavinia, shares her stand out volunteer moments
Take a look back at CEO, Lavinia Jarrett’s stand-out volunteer moments from her 22-years at Demelza!
Vin shares: “I still marvel at the input of our amazing volunteers. Their tireless energy and generosity of spirit brings a wealth of skills, talents and kindness that adds to the sense of #TeamDemelza that we all know and love.”
Demelza's Long Service Awards
Every year, during Volunteers' Week, we present some of our volunteers with their long service awards, from five years - to 20 years (and beyond)!
This year, husband and wife volunteering duo, Chris and Margaret will be receiving their awards for dedicating 20 years to volunteering with Demelza.
Chris shares: “Before we knew it we’d done 20 years! We’re hoping to do a good few more years as well – no plans to stop yet.”
Interested in getting involved?
Volunteer with Demelza! All our roles are rewarding and fulfilling and our volunteers feel like they have made a big difference – because they have – and we know every child and their family appreciates it.