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Driving, DIY and more

Our practical support volunteers can help with a range of activities such as driving, gardening, DIY, and shopping so that you can focus on taking care of your child and making memories.

We understand that transport can be a worry sometimes and we can offer various solutions to support families. These include driving to hospital or clinical appointments, attending Demelza meetings or events, or prescription collections.

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Overnight stays and day care

Many of the families we support say that at times, they become physically and emotionally exhausted. This is where our short breaks and day care can be of benefit to the whole family, as they enable everyone to have a much-needed rest.

Your child can either stay just during the day or overnight as well. Day care and overnight stays at our hospices offer children and young people the chance to enjoy our amazing facilities and use our therapy services. You also have the choice of a short break in the comfort of your own homes via our community care team.

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Support for young people aged 14+

Our teams are here to work with you through the transition process, creating a pathway that will support the whole family until your child is 25 – you won’t be alone.

We will begin working with you when your child is around 14 and we will give you the tools and information you need to navigate the system, and ask the right questions, to ensure you are receiving the support and funding that you are entitled to.

Learn more
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Continued support, advice and guidance

We understand that everyone’s experience of loss is unique and we believe that there is no one way, or right way, to manage grief.

Whether online, on the phone or in person, we remain committed to supporting families through the most difficult of times.

Demelza can support families in making memories in many ways, finding opportunities to have positive family experiences, even at the saddest of times. 

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...and there's more!

Find out about all of the other services that we offer including:

Support for the family
Art therapy
Music therapy
Physical therapies
End of life care
Symptom and medication management
Step down care
Community care
Making memories
Social care placements

View all services

Seek or share experiences

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Families Facebook groups

Spaces to share experiences, seek advice and find out Demelza updates and upcoming events.

Families group Bereaved families group
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We're listening

We are always looking for ways to collaborate with families to hear
your perspectives. You can do this by talking to us in person, attending feedback events, sharing complaints, or taking our feedback survey.

Share your thoughts
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Media opportunities

Register your interest in supporting Demelza by sharing your story, giving talks, appearing in news segments, taking part in photoshoots and more.

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Be seen, be heard

Young Voices

The young voices group aims to give children and young people (aged 9-25) who use Demelza services a chance to share their views, meet others and have fun! The group meets for Super Saturday sessions throughout the year.

Resources and activities
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Parent carer group

Families Voice group

The Families Voice group is made up of parent carers that want to make a change and improve Demelza’s services so that they work for the majority. The group runs informal cafes, meetings and regular socials where you can come along and chat with other parent carers and share your experience.

Find out more

Fundraising and volunteering

Some families support us by fundraising and volunteering. You can get involved with our fabulous fundraising events such as Bubble Rush, volunteer in a shop or raise funds in your local community.

If you decide to participate, we understand that circumstances may vary, and remember, you are never obliged to take part in these activities as a family who accesses Demelza services.

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